- Quit taking birth control
March 2011:
- Married my Hubby and began actively trying
June 2011:
- Referred to RE by OB/GYN due to suspected endometriosis and severe back pain
- RE put Hubby on a fertility blend, Vitamin C, fish oil and Vitamin E to improve morphology
- RE told him to keep laptop off his lap, cell phone out of pocket and stay out of hot tubs
- Ordered to recheck in 3 months
July 2011
- Clomid Challenge Test: normal
August 2011:
- HSG: normal, tubes open, "beautiful uterus"... not a compliment you get every day!
- Semen Analysis recheck: morphology improved to 3% of 44 million
- Conceived our first little angel
October 2011:
- Contemplating next step of IUI or IVF (didn't know we were already pregnant!)
- 10/10... BFP!!!!
- 10/24: First ultrasound - gestational sac and yolk sac present
November 2011:
- 11/7: Second ultrasound - gestation and yolk sac, but no heartbeat... told the ultrasound appeared our little peanut had stopped growing
- 11/15: Third ultrasound - no change and no sign of miscarrying naturally
- D&C performed - our little peanut is now an Angel Baby. Never in our arms, but always in our hearts... Forever our First
December 2011:
- 12/22: HORRIBLE CRAMPING 5 weeks post D&C... no bleeding
- 12/28: Yearly exam... first abnormal pap smear result
January 2012:
- 1/10: progesterone levels indicated ovulation
- 1/21: HORRIBLE CRAMPING 10 days after confirmed ovulation (28 days since last cyclical pain) ... no bleeding
- 1/23: Colposcopy for abnormal pap - Normal, repeat pap smear in 6 months
- 1/30: Met with doctor to discuss concerns about absent periods and the severe cramping
- Ultrasound looked normal
- Wanted me to come back following week for bloodwork and to schedule ultrasound as soon as next cycle began
- RE wants to check for Asherman's Syndrome or stenotic cervix at the beginning of next cycle
February 2012:
- 2/6: Progesterone levels low on CD 21 so no confirmed ovulation
- Started 10 day course of Provera to induce cycle
- 2/15: Last day of Provera
- 2/18: Minimal spotting and HORRIBLE CRAMPING... no bleeding
- 2/20: Met with RE... progesterone had dropped indicating start of new cycle
- Confirmed that pain was start of new cycle through ultrasound as you could visibly see uterine lining shedding
- Scheduled hysteroscopy and laparoscopy for 3/2 to check for/remove intrauterine adhesions/scarring and endometriosis
March 2012:
- 3/2: Laparascopy, hysteroscopy and chromotubation
- Confirmed Endometriosis: removed 1-3cm from each ovary and 3cm from posterior peritoneum (covering of abdominal cavity)
- Removed simple cyst off right ovary and sent to pathology - Normal
- Chromotubation - no obstructions in fallopian tubes
- Uterus: NO SCARRING!! Uterus still looks beautiful - no scarring or adhesions seen
- RE assumed there was a small amount of scar tissue in my cervix that he broke up when hysteroscope was insterted or hormonal
- 3/7: Bloodwork to see if I ovulated naturally
- Progesterone 4.42 (1.5 is indicative of recent ovulation)
- Estradiol 150
- 3/13: SPOTTING
- 3/14: AF has arrived!!! Officially CD1 of Cycle #12
- 3/15: 4 months since we said good-bye... our littlest angel will always be missed
- 3/19: Post-op appointment with RE
- Call in 4 weeks if no natural cycle and will induce period with progesterone
- Repeat SA for hubby on April 3
- Start Femara with next cycle
- 3/19: Pre-ovulation acupuncture
- 3/23: Pre-ovulation acupuncture
- 3/25: Ovulation confirmed on Ovacue
- 3/28: HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY to the love of my life!!
April 2012:
- 4/1 - 4/3: Spotting
- 4/3: Repeat SA: morphology still 3%, but doubled sperm count..... now 3% of 82 million
- RE says it is still considered low, but doubling the sperm count increases our chances because it doubles the good little swimmers!
- 4/4: CD1 of Cycle #13
- AF arrived a week early, previous cycle was only 21 days
- 4/6: CD3 Ultrasound (baseline)
- 20 follicles in each ovary
- Started Letrozole/Femara CD3 - CD7
- 4/13: CD10 Ultrasound
- Right ovary: 12mm, 12mm
- Left ovary: 16mm
- 4/14: CD11 - HCG Trigger Shot (given by hubby!)
- 4/16: Strong ovulation pains at 6am
- 4/17: Started progesterone suppositories 2x/day
- 4/29: Negative pregnancy test... AF appeared!!
- 4/30: CD2 Ultrasound (baseline)
- 15 follicles in each ovary
- 5/1-5/5: 7.5 mg of Letrozole/Femara deaily (CD3 - CD7)
- 5/8: CD10 Ultrasound - 7 follicles!!
- Right ovary: 4 follicles 11-12mm
- Left ovary: 3 follicles 11mm
- Uterine lining: 3.1mm
- Schedule follow-up u/s for CD12
- 5/10: CD12 Ultrasound
- Right ovary: 4 follicles 10-12mm (yes, they are shrinking)
- Left ovary: many follicles all 10mm (yes, they are shrinking, too)
- Uterine lining thin - 3.2mm
- Started Menopur injections to force maturation - CD12 - 15
- Scheduled follow-up u/s for CD16
- Recommended injectibles with next cycle or IVF... UGH.
- 5/14: CD16 Ultrasound - 9 follicles... yikes!
- Right ovary: 17, 16, 16, 15, 15mm
- Left ovary: 14, 14, 12, 10mm
- Uterine lining: 8.9mm
- At least 3 eggs will release for sure, likely that all 5 from right ovary will as well
- It is possible that 7 follicles release eggs this cycle since they could all grow 4mm more by the time ovulation occurs
- 5/15: HCG Trigger Shot (Ovidrel) - morning
- Timed intercourse
- 5/16: Ovulation occurred this evening
- Timed intercourse
- 5/17: 1dpo - Timed intercourse
- 5/19: 3dpo - Begin progesterone suppositories - am/pm
- 5/26: 10dpo - BFN... confirmation that all of the HCG is out of my system
- 5/27: 11 dpo - TWO PINK LINES!!!!!!!!!! We are officially pregnant... PHEW!
- 5/29: 13dpo - Bloodwork
- Beta HCG = 244 mlU/ml
- Progesterone = 114 ng/ml (very high!!)
- 5/31: 15dpo - Bloodwork (HCG should double every 48 hours)
- Beta HCG = 637 mlU/ml.... STRONG!!
June 2012:
- 6/19: 6w4d Ultrasound.......... TRIPLETS!
- Baby A - measures 7w0d, heartbeat 138bpm
- Baby B - measures 6w5d, heartbeat 128bpm
- Baby C - measures 6w3d, heartbeat 112bpm
- Referral to high-risk OB
- Concerns that Baby C is smaller and heartbeat is not as strong. Possible that Baby C will not make it.
- 6/28: 8w0d Ultrasound.......... TWINS!
- Baby A - heartbeat 175bpm
- Baby B - heartbeat 178bpm
- Baby C - we now have a second angel baby watching over us - never in our arms, but forever in our hearts!
September 2012:
- Baby A - It's a BOY!
- Baby B - It's a GIRL!
December 2012:
- 12/14: Placed on bed rest due to high blood pressure
January 2013:
- 1/6....... My precious little miracle babies were born!!
- Baby Boy
- 6lbs
- 10 days in the NICU
- Baby Girl - 3lbs11oz
- 3lbs 11oz
- 14 days in the NICU
- 1/7: I got to meet my little miracles for the first time!
- 1/16: Baby boy A goes home!
- 1/20: Baby girl B goes home!
January 2014:
- 1/6: My miracles turn 1!!
- IUD removed
- Actively "not trying" ;)
- 6/6: BFP... surprise!
- 6/16: Ultrasound
- Gestational sac present, no heartbeat
- 6/23: Follow-up ultrasound
- No change
- 6/27: Follow-up ultrasound
- No change
- 6/30: D&C
- Angel baby #3 watching down on us - never in our arms, but forever in our hearts
July 2014:
- Actively "not trying"... again!
January 2015:
- 1/6: My miracles turn 2!!
- One year off birth control
- Actively TRYING.... again
- Began using OvaCue fertility monitor!!
- 3/16: CD3 bloodwork:
- Estradiol - 30
- FSH - 5.7
- LH - 3.1
- TSH - 1.36 (.40-4.00uIU/mL)
- FREE T4 - 1.2 (.8-2.0 ng/dL)
- Prolactin - 5.4 (2.0-25.0 ng/dL)
- Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody - 31.7 (0.0-115.0 IU/mL)
- Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody - 25.4 (0.0-35.0 IU/mL)
- 3/17: Initial appointment with RE (Dr. V)
- CD 4 Baseline Ultrasound - 20 follicles in each ovary
- Planned course of treatment: natural cycle, trigger shot, progesterone suppositories
- 3/25:
- CD12 Ultrasound:
- Left ovary - 16mm follicle (17 follicles <10mm li="">Right ovary - 14mm follicle (19 follicles <10mm li="">Uterine lining - 7.84mm (anything <7 is="" li="" optimal=""> 7>10mm>10mm>
- Change of plans: natural ovulation due to 2 possible follicles, progesterone suppositories
- 3/29: positive OPK in the morning, ovulation confirmed on OvaCue, ovulation pains
- 4/1: 3dpo progesterone level = 15.7 (normal is anything over 15)
- began progesterone suppositories
- 4/11: CD 1 - no spotting
- 4/22: CD 12 - midcycle ultrasound
- 9.1mm trilaminar uterine lining
- Right ovary - 20mm follicle
- 7pm - HCG Trigger shot (ovidrel)
- BD tonight
- 4/23: CD 13 - BD in the evening
- 4/24: CD 14 - Ovulation day (36 hours post trigger shot - 7am)
- BD afternoon
- 4/25: CD 15 - BD again for good measure?! HA!!
- 4/26: CD 16 - start progesterone suppositories
- 5/7: CD 1 - AF arrived
- 5/18: CD 12 - midcycle ultrasound
- 5.5mm lining
- Left ovary - 13 mm follicle
- repeat ultrasound on CD 14
- 5/20: CD 14 - repeat midcycle ultrasound
- 8.8mm lining
- Left ovary - 18mm follicle
- HCG injection @ 9am
- 5/21: CD15 - BD @ 12pm
- Ovulation day
- 5/22: CD 16 - BD @ 7pm
- 6/4: 13dpo: - HPT
- 6/5: CD1 - AF arrived
- 6/16: CD12 - midcycle ultrasound
- trilaminar lining
- Right ovary - 22mm follicle
- 7/2: CD1 - AF arrived
- 7/4-7/8: CD3-CD8
- 50 mg Clomid
- 7/13: CD12 - midcycle ultrasound
- Trilaminar lining
- Left ovary - 18, 14mm follicles
- Right ovary - 17, 13mm follicles
- Risk for multiples is too high - ABSTAIN
- 8/3: CD3 - baseline ultrasound
- 8/11: CD11 - midcycle ultrasound
- Trilaminar lining
- Left ovary - 18mm follicle
- Right ovary - 17, 19mm follicles
- 8/11: Trigger shot, timed intercourse
- 8/26: CD1 - AF arrived
- 9/2: Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy - Dr. V
- removal of accessory third fallopian tube on left side
- Left fallopian tube tied in a knot "like a pretzel"
- both tubes flushed out and open
- removal of endometrial adhesion of uterus to posterior pelvic wall
- removal of filmy adhesions in uterus (mild Ashmerman's syndrome)
- Take estradiol to promote regrowth of healthy tissue
- Rest of the month on pelvic rest
- And the story continues...................
Thanks for sharing! Best of luck to you. I too am looking for my rainbow baby! My angel left me at 6 weeks 6 days on 11/15/14 and will never be forgotten! :) I am 2DPO in my first clomid and ovidrel cycle and hoping for a BFP!
ReplyDeleteHey Laura! Thanks for reading! So very sorry for your loss. How did your cycle go?? I am crossing my fingers for you BFP as well! Hoping you find some comfort here!
DeleteSo glad I found your blog! Following :)