We had our second ultrasound today, but the first with our new high-risk OB. We got to the office and I was so nervous. I didn't know how the appointment was going to go and didn't know what to expect from the ultrasound. We did the typical question and answer with the new nurses and then were taken back to the ultrasound room. We waited about 5 loooong minutes for the ultrasound tech to come in and she dove right in.....
Her first order of business was to get oriented and locate all 3 sacs. From the very beginning, Babies A and B were very large and Baby C seemed smaller than last week. I knew in my heart, I knew that we had lost Baby C... another angel baby watching over us... never in our arms, but forever in our hearts! In that moment, I felt a conflict of emotions - sadness and relief. The u/s tech tried to get a good image to measure Baby C and get its heartbeat. It was tiny, we could no longer see a fetal pole, and there was no longer any blood flow. We took our moment and then realized that Baby C wasn't healthy. God made our tough decision for us... he must have a different plan.
So..... TWINS! We are now officially pregnant with twins. Two healthy little babies!!
Here they are..................
If you compare this to last weeks u/s, she labeled the babies opposite this week. Every technician is different and apparently it depends on how they present themselves.
Baby A (was Baby B last week).........
Baby B (was Baby A last week)..........
We heard the heartbeats today... I cried. It was beautiful!
After the u/s, we waited way too long to talk to our new doctor, but apparently things are moving very slowly as they transition to the new electronic medical records. The doctor was nice. He has a very dry sense of humor, which my hubby LOVED. I think they will get along just great! My hubby says he reminds him of the chinese doctor on the movie "Knocked Up" (which, ironically, is on E! right now!). He did an abdominal ultasound just to take one more look at Baby C. He confirmed what we already knew, and asked us, "So... are you ready for twins?"... my hubby replied, "More ready for twins than triplets!" We had a laugh! He talked with us about staying with them throughout the entire pregnancy. Since we are carrying twins, we have the option to see a regular OB and just see him at certain points in the cycle. I don't have a regular OB/GYN since I had to change hospitals with my new job, so I haven't established a relationship with another doctor. I feel more comfortable continuing with him all the way through delivery since he is used to monitoring pregnancies with multiple babies!
He talked with us about our next appointment. We go back in three weeks... we will be 11 weeks along. At this appointment is when they do the first trimester screen. They do bloodwork and 4D ultrasounds! If anything else, I am sooo excited for the 4D ultrasound scans! The First Trimester Screen screens for down syndrome, trisomy 18 and heart defects. It is covered by insurance, so we are going to do the screening. We aren't at risk, but it hopefully will give us a piece of mind that everyone is completely healthy! Another 3 weeks to wait..........
After the appointment, I called my favorite nurse with my RE's office to give her an update. She was so relieved to hear that everything worked its way out so we could have the best chance for healthy babies at the end of this pregnancy. She agreed that the First Trimester Screen is a great screening tool and it does give some great information. I love her!! She told me to stop in after our appointment in 3 weeks and show them all our u/s pics... they have sadly become like family! I guess, they tried as hard as we did.... the nurses in that office invest so much of themselves in their patients. I will miss them!
Both babies have strong heartbeats and are growing like champs! We are so blessed. It feels weird to be relieved that we are having twins. Most people would be freaked out, but we are ecstatic! We are both so happy that everything worked out in a way that will be the healthiest for me and the babies.
After seeing the babies today, we are starting to feel comfortable sharing our news with more of our extended family. At this point, everyone would know if something happened with the pregnancy, so we might as well let them share in the excitement! Not sure how we are going to fill them in on the news, but I'll be sure to blog all about it!
I can't believe this is FINALLY happening for us..... just when I had given up......