The fertility meds officially kicked in today...saying that I'm moody is a complete understatement! I am happy one moment, crying the next and pissed the next... It is so frustrating. I feel completely out of control. My husband has officially nicknamed me J&H - Jeckyl & Hyde. At least he sees the humor in it! We went to the movie "Big Miracle" today and I cried though the entire thing! Oh the things we put ourselves through on order to get pregnant!
Today was the day to make our baby... That was a lot of pressure. I found myself getting very stressed since the RE didn't give us specific times to do anything. They said to do the trigger shot anytime on Saturday and then to BD Sunday and Monday... I started over analyzing and stressing about the timing all weekend! We did the trigger shot at 1pm, so I wasn't sure what time of day we were supposed to BD. We decided that early evening would be the best, even though now I'm thinking we should have waited until later. I'm terrified of missing the timing. I know we have way better timing than every other month, but it is easy to second guess yourself. I know I am supposed to ovulate about 36 hours after the trigger shot, but I didn't know if we were supposed to do it exactly 36 hours after or if we should do it a little earlier to ensure that the swimmers are there waiting! Ugh!! Now we have to think about the timing for tomorrow... Do we do it before work or after work?? If this month doesn't work, then I am going to ask for a very specific time schedule... I'm such a planner and schedule follower. The timing may be stressing me out, but at least we aren't having to BD every other day all month... Which is stressful in itself!
Now is the time for relaxation.... I've promised myself to stay calm and stress free for the next 2weeks. I have a couple acupuncture apps, and might go get a massage while my hubby is out of town next weekend. I can't test until April 30... The countdown begins!
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